Dining to Go

Denver Dining offers an array of ways to get your meal to go! 

All of our locations offer meals in sustainable to-go containers.

For Pickup at designated Retail Dining Locations:

Use Tapingo to order your meal in advance and pick it up at a retail dining location. A great choice to grab food in between a busy class schedule.

To use Tapingo:

  • Download the App using the link below
  • Select your location and food items
  • Set a time for pickup
  • Meet your food at the pickup window!

tapingo button-01  tapingo button-02 

Resident Dining To-Go Meals are available to students with a meal plan for times when they are unable to get to one of the dining locations during regular meal hours. 

This may occur due to illness, an off-campus field trip or job, or some other scheduling conflict. These orders are made in advance and picked up at a designated time and location.

Click here to order.

Check out our gifts and other to go items,click here to visit our shop.